Fruit Trees at Altitude

We get hundreds of enquiries a year about growing fruit trees in the UK at altitude and our answers usually start off with something like: “Unfortunately your location sounds beautiful but (from the perspective of fruit trees) terrible. Your site is high up and almost certainly windy given that you are south facing and prevailing… Continue reading Fruit Trees at Altitude

Photinia Leaf Spot – Don’t Panic!

Photinia Red Robin makes a really photogenic hedge plant, with blazing red young leaves that can be persuaded to reappear all summer with regular trimming and simple but lovely white flowers. However, just as the most handsome face can be marred by acne, the prettiest Photinia bush can can be disfigured by an unpleasant looking… Continue reading Photinia Leaf Spot – Don’t Panic!

What to do with sucking plants?

Some hedging plants and native trees produce suckers (new plants that grow up from the parent plant’s root system). Sometimes this is good – because you want a bushier plant. Rugosa roses make a bushier hedge, for example, because they sucker. Sometimes this is bad – because the sucker is the same as the rootstock, but… Continue reading What to do with sucking plants?

Dead and Dying Yew Hedges and Trees

Yew has a reputation for being indestructible, and given fair treatment, there are yew trees planted today that will still be alive when mankind is sailing around the solar systems* in fusion powered, garden filled hyper-barges At the same time, Taxus baccata is like any living organism and can die prematurely. Because it is so… Continue reading Dead and Dying Yew Hedges and Trees

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