Gooseberry Ice Cream Recipe (Utterly Delicious) to make at home I know this blog is themed around hedging, but…. June and July is the time of year that your gooseberries should be ready for picking – traditionally this is at Whitsun (which is the seventh Sunday after Easter Sunday) but as Easter this year was… Continue reading Gooseberry Ice Cream
Category: Recipes
Elderflower Champagne Recipe
When you have enough Elderflower Cordial you might like to think about Elderflower Champagne. By the way, it is a good excuse to plant a few more Elder (Sambucus nigra) bushes – as you will find you have friends calling round in June and July almost daily and for the oddest reasons….. This is a… Continue reading Elderflower Champagne Recipe
Elderflower Cordial Recipe
Homemade Elderflower Cordial Recipe Late May – June is Elderflower time! Elderflower cordial in the shops is expensive and can be a bit sickly sweet. This homemade recipe makes great cordial and, with the use of Camden tablets your cordial will stay fresh for a long time. We also have a recipe for Elderflower Champagne (we… Continue reading Elderflower Cordial Recipe