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Broad-Leaved Nepali Sausage Vine (Holboellia latifolia) 1Broad-Leaved Nepali Sausage Vine (Holboellia latifolia) 1

Broad-Leaved Nepali Sausage Vine

Holboellia latifoliaFeefo logo

The details

Holboellia latifolia

  • Evergreen
  • Green-white or Purple flowers Mar-May.
  • Strong gardenia scent.
  • Shade-tolerant.
  • Best suited to large areas.
  • Vigorous to over 8 x 8m.
Choose a plant formWhat to expect
Choose a size

Pot sizes are measured by their volume in litres, except for the smallest size, 9cm / p9 pots, which are roughly half a litre.

3 Litre
3 +
£ 24.95
£ 22.95

Recommended extras

Rootgrow, Climbing Plants Feed
Rootgrow, Climbing Plants Feed Mycorrhizal Fungi Enriched Fertiliser From £6.75
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Wedding Day - Rambling Rosa Wedding Day From £8.66


Holboellia latifolia, Broad-Leaved Nepali Sausage Vine

A vigorous evergreen climber with well-scented flowers starting in May, it is well suited for covering large walls where it won't need to be trimmed back so often. The purple fruit are edible, but probably make better decorations than crops.


  • Evergreen
  • Mix of Green-white or Purple flowers Mar-May.
  • Strong gardenia scent.
  • Shade-tolerant.
  • Edible, decorative purple fruit.
  • Best suited to large areas.
  • Vigorous to over 8 x 8m.

Growing Holboellia Vines

Any well drained, improved garden soil in decent sun will do if you want a good show of flowers and seed pods. The vines themselves are shade-tolerant. They are hardy, but not recommended for the colder parts of Scotland.  

Your established plants will make a lot of new growth in Spring and early Summer. Trim it back to two to four leaves from the main stem, which will flower the following year. 

Planting Instructions

Did You Know?

It is from the Himalayas, and called Gufala in Nepali. It was named after either Fred Louis Holboell, superintendent of Copenhagen botanic garden, or Carl Peter Holboell, a Danish naval officer.