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Biofertiliser After Plant for Climbing Plants

Mycorrhizal Fungi Enriched FertiliserFeefo logo

The details

  • Mycorrhizal fungi enriched Climbing Plants food
  • For use on established plants only
  • At planting time, use standard Rootgrow instead
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1 kg
3 +
£ 6.99
£ 6.75


Biofertiliser for Climbing Plants by Empathy

Climbing Plant biofertiliser contains fertiliser with mycorrhizae: naturally occurring fungi that associate with a plant's roots and increase food and water uptake.

This increase leads to better and faster establishment, more growth and more flowers and fruit. It also contains nitrogen-fixing bacteria that make nitrogen in the air available in a form plants can absorb and extra trace elements, especially magnesium. Both are beneficial and promote strong, green growth.

  • Mycorrhizal fungi enriched Climbing Plant food
  • For use on established Climbing Plants only
  • At planting time, use standard Rootgrow instead

This is an organic, biologically-active product which is wonderful for promoting vigorous and healthy Climbing Plants full of flowers every year.