How to Plant your Dahlia Tuber in Pots

This video is about growing Dahlias in pots during the summer, which is different to storing Dahlias for winter


Right, these are the Dahlia tubers that you'll receive from Ashridge. So just, when they turn up, just have a quick look, see if they'll all right. What you will have to find out is that's the top of the tuber. So this piece here is where the old stems were cut off last year. So that's your top, that's the sunny side up.

When you receive them, if you want to pot them straight up, put your compost in. Just make a little mound in the middle, so the tuber could sit on top. Give it a quick wiggle, push them down a bit and then kind of leave, try and leave this piece, the cut piece, at the top of the pot.

Put your compost in, give it a quick tap, pushing down a bit.

That's it. Leave them in a frost free greenhouse, conservatory, or porch until the shoots start to come up, and then we'll keep on taking the picture of this one. So keep checking on the blog or the website, and you can compare ours to yours.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut et massa mi. Aliquam in hendrerit urna.

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