Roses for Buttonholes

Buttonhole flowers are a classic and elegant touch for formal occasions, especially weddings. Strictly speaking, a buttonhole is a single flower, perhaps with some of its foliage, and a boutonnière (which is French for buttonhole) is several flowers tied together, typically with foliage from other plants, such as asparagus. Many flowers could be used, but… Continue reading Roses for Buttonholes

Categorised as Roses

Trim English Lavender Lightly in Spring: It’s Colour Coded!

Trimming Lavender is a lovely chore: the soft foliage clips effortlessly, the finished bush looks so neat and primed for summer, and you end up smelling even better than you did before. When to Trim English Lavender By the end of March or very start of April, Lavender across the UK should be covered in… Continue reading Trim English Lavender Lightly in Spring: It’s Colour Coded!

Why Didn’t My Daffodils Flower this Year?

Daffodils (Narcissus) are perennial bulbs whose lifespan varies depending on the particular species and cultivar, the growing conditions and care, or lack thereof!  With the correct selection of Narcissus and proper care, you can expect individual bulbs to come back for several years. Before an individual bulb perishes, it is a common sight to see… Continue reading Why Didn’t My Daffodils Flower this Year?

When Should You Cut Back Your Spent Bulbs?

Is there anything more restorative than the first flowers of spring? Apart from spring flowers plus kittens wearing watermelon helmets, obviously? March is the time to enjoy the full array of spring bulbs – a rich reward for the aching back and sore knees from our efforts in Autumn. After such a wet winter, it… Continue reading When Should You Cut Back Your Spent Bulbs?

YoungWilders Hedgerow Project

No one likes a pedantic so-and-so who points out that planting country hedgerows, which are a feature exclusively of landscapes managed by mankind (mostly farmers) is by definition not a re-wilding project, it’s really a re-ruraling project. I, naturally, would never do that, any more than I would sulk over age precluding me from joining… Continue reading YoungWilders Hedgerow Project

Sowing Seeds Indoors in Late Winter / Early Spring

Sowing seeds indoors before Spring starts – done right – is a cheap way to have top quality plants ready to go as early as possible. New gardeners will learn so much about plants and soil from it, and experienced gardeners who like to experiment value the opportunity to test the limits of their favourite… Continue reading Sowing Seeds Indoors in Late Winter / Early Spring

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