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Perforated Spirals (Hedging Guards)Perforated Spirals (Hedging Guards)

Clear Spiral Rabbit Guards

Protects New Sapling Trees / Hedging

The details

  • Clear Perforated Spiral Guards
  • Recycled plastic
  • Protects young hedging / trees against rabbits, voles, deer, etc.
  • 60cm tall
  • 4cm diameter
Choose a plant formWhat to expect
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50 - 499
500 - 999
1000 +
£ 0.51
£ 0.42
£ 0.38
£ 0.35
In Stock


Clear Plastic Perforated Spiral "Rabbit Guards" for Sapling Trees

Spiral guards are effective against rabbits nibbling through the trunks of young trees - a row of young hedge plants is like a set dinner for your local bunnies.
They offer some protection against deer.
Every spiral needs a cane for support on a new, small plant. 

These are necessary to protect Hedging Plants and sapling trees.
Use heavy duty tree guards for standard trees, large fruit trees or mature trees that you already have.

Here is a top tip if you have never used rabbit spirals before
There is a knack to separating them, this short rabbit spirals video on how you take a nest of five spirals apart.

If you prefer written instructions, this is what you do: Assuming you are right-handed, hold a roll of rabbit spirals in your left hand. Insert the index and second finger of your right hand into the coiled spirals. Splay your fingers so they grip the inside and twist the spirals. Some batches are coiled one way and some the other, so you may have to try turning them both clockwise and anti-clockwise. In one direction you will feel the spiral on the inside of the nest suddenly loosen and become very easy to pull out of the middle of the roll. Repeat the process four times and you have five separated spirals. There is a knack to this, but you should get it very quickly.

It is important you fit rabbit spirals correctly to promote plant growth. Each coil of spiral overlaps the one before and this overlap should point upwards when the spiral is in place. Another indicator is that the ventilation holes will make an inverted V shape.

Our spirals are made from 100% recycled PVC, and they will last 3–4 years (which is more than enough) even at high UV levels. PVC eventually breaks down through photo degradation into tiny particles which will not harm the earth around the plant. Recycled PVC also means you are re-using valuable resources that will otherwise end-up as landfill. Still, our biodegradable spiral guards are even more eco-friendly. 

Health warning: Spirals are a cheap product made from recycled plastics. The manufacturing process often leaves sharp edges and the spirals are springy, so we advise care when handling. Most professional planters wear the light cotton gloves with latex/rubber fingers and palms that are available from any hardware store.