Just Joey Hybrid Tea Rose Bushes

The details
- Height: 1m
- Colour: Coppery Orange
- Shape: Double
- Scent: Medium
- Flowering period: Repeat
- Type: Hybrid Tea
- RHS Award of Garden Merit
Recommended extras
Just Joey Hybrid Tea Rose
A beautiful Hybrid Tea, Just Joey carries solitary buds that are almost orange, but which open into slightly waved, ruffled, scented flowers of the most beautiful deep gold. This is a great cut flower; just try it floated on water in a glass. It flowers continuously through the summer from July to November in a good year. The healthy, leathery leaves have a ruddy hint at the edges. To 3 ft
He is a hungry boy, so feed him well when he is mature and flowering well.
Browse the rest of our roses here.
Bred by Roger Pawsey and released in 1972 by his family business, Cants of Colchester, which is Britain's oldest rose nursery, established in 1765. The World Federation of Rose Societies inducted it into their hall of fame in 1994, the same year that it was awarded its All America Rose Selection status. Its registration code is CANjujo.