Broughton Star Clematis Plants
The details
Clematis montana rubens
- Tow-tone plum pink flowers
- Unscented
- Flowers May - June
- Height and spread up to 5-6m x 2m
- Type: Montana
- Habit: Climber
- Pruning group 1
- RHS Award of Garden Merit
Clematis Montana 'Broughton Star'
Clematis montana 'Broughton Star' produces gorgeous two-tone pink flowers from May-June. Each bloom is double or semi-double, the inner petals are a deep plum-red and the outer a paler plum-pink. They contrast beautifully with the young bronze-tinged foliage that matures to a dark green.
Give it something to climb up or along, and you will not be disappointed with the display. Less vigorous than other Montana varieties, Broughton Star is unlikely to reach heights of above 5m, and it is the combination of beautiful flowers and tidy habit that earned it an RHS Award of Garden Merit
Browse our varieties of clematis or see our full range of climbing plants.
Great for your garden:
Broughton Star will perform best with its roots in deep, moist soil and its head in the sun. Give it a supporting structure to climb up (a south-west or east-facing wall/fence or medium height tree) and shade the roots with ground cover plants or woodchip mulch.
Carries the prestigious RHS Award of Garden Merit.
Clematis Montana 'Broughton Star' characteristics:
- Flower colour: Two-tone plum-pink
- Flower shape: Star-shaped, double and semi-double
- Fragrance: Unscented
- Repeating: No
- Approximate flowering season: May - June
- Final height and spread: 5m x 4m
- Type: Montana
- Habit: Climber
- Pruning group 1
- RHS Award of Garden Merit
Look out for:
Aphids and caterpillars are fond of the young shoots
Follow planting instructions to minimize the risk of clematis wilt
All clematis can be affected by Clematis slime flux, a bacterial infection of damaged tissue that can kill large specimens almost overnight. Can be pruned out if spotted early.
This variety was bred by Vince and Sylvia Denny, and named after their parish in Lancashire. It received the British Clematis Society Certificate of Merit in 1998, the year it was released. The parents are Marjorie and C. montana Picton's Variety.
Images supplied by Clematis on the Web.