Ikariae Snowdrop (Galanthus ikariae Woronowii) Hero ImgIkariae Snowdrop (Galanthus ikariae Woronowii) Hero Img

Late Flowering Snowdrop Bulbs

Galanthus ikariae Woronowii

The details

  • Packs of 50 bulbs
  • Colour: White & green marks on perianth
  • Height: 15cms
  • Scent: Slight
  • Flowering: Jan- Feb
  • Bulb Size:4-5cm
  • Planting Depth:10-12cm
  • Planting:Sept- Nov
  • Foliage:dark green
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Galanthus Ikariae

Ikariae is a princess of snowdrops with its virginal white outer petals and then lime-green markings on its inner perianth. For us lesser mortals, it is easy to confuse Ikariae with Woronowii snowdrops but Ikariae have much larger U shaped markings on the inner perianth which might take up at least half of that area. For galanthophiles and those who are looking for something a little bit different, Galanthus ikariae makes a change from the equally beautiful but more common Galanthus nivalis. It will grow in all soils, requiring some sun and the room to spread a little. The dark, matt leaves form attractive, erect clumps. Galanthus ikariae will spread over two to five years rewarding you with a snowy river of white.

Where best for Snowdrops

Snowdrops are the harbinger of spring. Since the weather is not so clement our suggestion is to plant them somewhere obvious from your house or your car as you drive in. All snowdrops look good in a swathe down a bank, or along a drive or under a dark, evergreen hedge, lightening dark corners and providing contrast in scale. In spite of their elegant, nodding heads reminiscent of bowing courtiers, they are plucky little things to emerge at this darkest and coldest time of the year when very little else is flowering. A favourite combination is to plant snowdrops among Hellebores like Helleborus orientalis and niger, the Christmas and Lenten roses. Another thought is to underplant Viburnums bodnantense or tinus or the flaming whips of Cornus sanguinea 'Midwinter Fire' or Cornus sibirica to guarantee real winter wow.

Features of Galanthus Ikariae

  • Colour: White, with pale green marks on inner perianth
  • Height: 15 cm
  • Scent: Slight
  • Flowering: January - February
  • Planting Depth: 12-18cm, best planted in drifts
  • Planting Months: September - November
  • Foliage: dark matt green
Trivia about Galanthus Ikariae

This species of snowdrop originate from the Greek islands in the Aegean sea, specifically Andros, Ikaria, Naxos and Skyros. It was first discovered on Ikaria, named after Icarus, the son of Daedalus who flew so close the sun with his wings fashioned of feathers and wax that they melted and lead to his downfall and his death. The u shaped markings on the petals almost mimic a pair of wings.

Planting Instructions

Snowdrop bulbs should always be freshly lifted (ours are!) as they dessicate easily. They need light, air and moisture when they are growing which is between the months of December and March/April. You know it is at an end when their foliage has died down. This is why they are happy under deciduous trees and shrubs which cast little shade during the winter.

Prepare the ground thoroughly as they reward good growing conditions. Snowdrop bulbs benefit from a goodly amount of organic matter in the soil. Except where you are planting in grass, work a bucket of compost per square metre into the top 15cms of soil. 15 bulbs per square metre is a sensible density and the bulbs should be scattered and planted where they land to give a natural effect. Planting depth should be approximately 10 cms below soil level (at least twice the height of the bulb is a good guide). Firm the soil after planting and water well so as to get good contact between bulb and soil. Mark the planting area with canes or so as not to remember where they are when you are finding homes for other plants later on. In grass, lift the turf, then prepare the spoil as above, plant and return the turf.

Unless you are an expert, don't grow snowdrops them in containers. They dislike rapidly changing soil conditions and so are very difficult to grow like this. If you can't plant them in open ground quickly after receipt, then keep them in a good sized container, filled with good compost and sink the pot to its rim in a cool, well shaded spot. Plant them in their final position as soon as you can.