'Blackjack' Tulip Bulbs, Triumph
The details
- Group: Triumph
- Colour: deep purple, almost black
- Height: 50 cm
- Scent: light
- Flowering: mid-season, April
- Planting Depth: 3 times the height of the bulb
- Planting Months: October - November
- Type: Triumph
Recommended extras
Blackjack Tulips
If you are looking for a darkly, romantic tulip then Blackjack might well be the answer. Its elegant oval shaped flower is a glossy, deep, deep purple - so deep that it could be mistaken for black - and it has the sheen of a raven's wing on it. The flower sways on a 50 cm stem giving it model-like proportions. Its fresh, green foliage supports the main act and is narrower leaved than many other tulips. Blackjack is a Triumph tulip and so is mid-season - flowering for most of April, a reliable perennial bloomer and definitely one of the thoroughbreds in the tulip stable. See our full range of tulip bulbs.
No roulette here!
While Blackjack is normally associated with the highs and lows of the gaming table, placing a bet on this particular Blackjack is risk-free and really not that expensive. Use Blackjack as you would any other tulip but capitalise on its dusky tones by pairing it with some of the paler (White Dream , Creme Upstar)or brighter (Abba, Caractere)Triumph or Double tulips so that you can get real contrast of texture and colour. Set it against silvery foliage or a stone wall so that it stands out. This is not the time to have a yew hedge as your backdrop.
Features of Blackjack Tulips
- Colour: deep purple, almost black
- Height: 50 cm
- Scent: light
- Flowering: mid-season, April
- Planting Depth: 3 times the height of the bulb
- Planting Months: October - November
- Type: Triumph
Tulip facts
Tulips make wonderful cut flowers but did you know that if you put your tulip in a vase it can keep growing by another inch or so. Not so good for the precision florist but interesting nonetheless.....
Planting Instructions
Give tulips a bit of room when planting - we recommend leaving 6-8 cms between bulbs. The planting depth should be at least three times deeper than the bulb is tall. The pointy end is the top...
If you want to keep your tulips for the following year, plant them DEEP (20 cms is fine) and deadhead as soon as the flowers fade. Many varieties will stay in the ground and multiply happily, but if you are in doubt, it is a good idea to lift them when the foliage has withered. Dry them off in a dark, dry, cool place, remove any dried soil and store them (in the dark at a low room temperature) in a tray or net, having first removed any diseased or damaged bulbs. Replant the following October/November.
Applying a high potash fertiliser during the growing season improves the flowering performance the next year. Lift and divide clumps of tulips if flowering is poor.