Jacques Cartier Shrub Rose Bushes

The details
- Height: 1.5m
- Colour: Pink
- Shape: Double
- Scent: Strong
- Flowering period: Repeat
- Type: Shrub
Recommended extras
Rosa Jacques Cartier - Shrub Rose
Jacques Cartier is an utterly reliable Portland shrub rose. It is a longstanding favourite being maybe 150 years old. Mid pink, incredibly complex flowers complete with a 'button eye' in the centre produce the most wonderful scent enriching any garden, whether you can see the rose itself or not.
There is a first flush of blossom which almost covers the plant in early summer and then Jacques Cartier settles down to flower steadily through to October during which time it there is always at least one flower visible. In terms of colour, shape, scent and reliability this ought to be in any garden, but you are not persuaded then why not have a look at our other British grown shrub roses here.
But give this one a second though since any rose as old as this that still holds an RHS Award of Garden Merit has to be a bit special.
Great for your garden
Jacques Cartier really wants to be in a spot where there is good air movement as it can get black spot where humidity is high. It will tolerate some shade however and as it is not as floriferous later in the season as some other roses it can be tucked around the corner if necessary. It can grow to a considerable height as a bush, but gets a bit leggy, so it is better kept to a height of 4-5ft (about 150cms). It is also a good host for one of the smaller blue or purple flowered clematis which will clamber over it happily and provide contrast to its perfect pink flowers.
Rosa Jacques Cartier facts
- Type: Shrub (Portland)
- Colour: mid-pink
- Flower shape: Complex and quartered with 'botton eye'
- Fragrance strength: Huge
- Final height and spread: 5ft x 4ft
- Flowering season: Summer
- Repeat Flowering: Yes
- Disease resistance: Average
Jacques Cartier Trivia
Jacques Cartier was bred in 1868 by Moreau-Robert in France and named after the eponymous Breton explorer who conducted several voyages of exploration to North America in the mid 1500's and who claimed Canada for the French. It is a confusing rose however as it is incredibly similar to Marquise Boccella which was also bred in France, but by Jean Desprez in 1842. To make matters more complicated, in the USA (because of a labelling error) both Marquise Boccella and Jacques Cartier must now be exhibited under the name Marchesa Boccella. Confused? You should be!
Planting Instructions
How to plant
Choose a spot in the border or shrubbery with at least half sun. Dig a hole deep enough to allow the graft union to finish at soil level and with plenty of room for the roots. Clean up the soil from the hole by taking out roots, weeds, large stones and other bits and bobs and mixing in a good measure of well rotted compost or manure. Spread Rootgrow mycorrhizal fungi over the bottom of the hole so it will make contact with the roots. If planting pot grown roses gently tease a few larger roots loose before planting.
Place your rose so its roots are spread out and the union is at the right height. Backfill the hole with the planting mix, firming it down as you go. Water in thoroughly.
You can order Jacques Cartier at any time. Our bareroot stock can be planted between November and April, and we have containerised plants available for the rest of the year.
Feed and mulch with well rotted manure in spring and keep well watered during dry periods for the first year.
Prune Jacques Cartier roses as follows:
Your objective is to build a framework progressively over 2-3 years. You do so by pruning good new growth back by about 30% in January-February each year and shortening healthy side shoots to about 3 buds. Once you have this framework, just work over the plant gently in winter. Take out damaged or overcrowded growth and remove a few old branches at ground level to promote new growth from the crown of the plant that should flower next year.
During the flowering period, deadhead spent blooms as they fade, to encourage production of further flowers.