Gift Wrapped 'Fragrant Cloud' Rose BushesGift Wrapped 'Fragrant Cloud' Rose BushesGift Wrapped 'Fragrant Cloud' Rose Bushes

Gift Wrapped 'Fragrant Cloud' Rose Bushes

Rosa 'Fragrant Cloud'

The details

  • Gift wrapped in hessian bag
  • Add your own note during checkout
  • Size: 1m x .75m (3ft x 2.5ft)
  • Colour: Deep coral red
  • Scent: Glorious
  • Flowering: June to August
  • Group: Hybrid tea
  • Foliage: Dark green, prickly stems
  • Gold Medal 1963
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Gift Wrapped 'Fragrant Cloud' Rose

Fragrant Cloud is so very aptly named, having an intense rich damask scent with citrus overtones.  Bred by Tantau Rosen in 1963 it was voted the world's favourite rose in 1981.  The flowers, which are large and shapely, are coral pink with hints of scarlet and are held singly or in sprays. The foliage is dark green and it has a neat, bushy and open habit reaching a maximum height of 3ft and flowers from June until August.

Browse all our other Garden Gifts, more Gift Roses, or buy this rose without the gift wrapping

Please inform us of your preferred delivery week

  • To receive it in time for Christmas, we despatch the week of 11th December.
  • Type your gift message in the 'message for Ashridge' box during checkout.

Great in your garden

The gorgeous rich coral red blooms and magnificent scent make this a perfect rose for planting near a patio or terrace where these attributes can best be appreciated.  It makes a brilliant exhibition rose but is also useful in borders and for cutting.  Its rich colour is quite magical planted with other hot colours such as orange and apricot or in groups of 3 or 5 underplanted with low growing, complementary blue/purple ground cover plants, such as campanula or nepeta x faassenii.


  • Gift wrapped in hessian bag
  • Add your own note during checkout
  • Height: 1m x .75m (3ft x 2.5ft)
  • Colour: Deep coral red with geranium red tinges.
  • Scent: Fabulous rich perfume
  • Flowering: Free, repeat flowering from June to August
  • Group: Hybrid tea rose
  • Foliage: Dark green, prickly stems
  • Royal National Rose Society Gold Medal 1963

Facts about Fragrant Cloud

In 1937 Mathias Tantau, a nurseryman specialising in trees, became interested in breeding roses, starting with a Chinese rose called Rosa multibracteata. He was fascinated with roses and from here went on to become one of Germany’s most successful rose hybridisers and growers. Fragrant Cloud, brought to the European market in 1963, has to be one of his most successful winning The Royal National Rose Society’s Gold Medal in 1963, their President’s International Trophy in 1964 and The James Alexander Gamble Medal for Fragrance. Tantau Rosen is still a family run business.