Scent from Heaven RoseScent from Heaven Rose

Scent from Heaven Climbing Roses

Rosa Scent from Heaven

The details

  • Rose of the Year 2017
  • To about 2m x 1.5m
  • Peachy orange
  • Large double flower: up to 8/9 cm
  • Richly scented
  • Flowers all summer
  • Climbing rose
Choose a size

Recommended extras

Rootgrow, Afterplant Rose Feed
Rootgrow, Afterplant Rose Feed Mycorrhizal Fungi Enriched Fertiliser From £6.75
Raspberry, Polka
Raspberry, Polka Rubus idaeus Polka From £1.25
Rose Clear Ultra
Rose Clear Ultra 3-in1 Ready to Use Spray Bottle From £7.95


Rosa Scent from Heaven

Hot off the press, Scent from Heaven was awarded Rose of the Year 2017 at Hampton Court this year and so, for rose fanciers, this is a first edition, must-have, collectable item and a valuable addition to our range of roses for sale. Scent from Heaven is a climbing rose, and one that suits most of us in that it Grows to an easily manageable two metres. Perfect for easy pruning and enough oomph for impact. We particularly like its button hole buds that then open into reams of wavy, peachy orange petals arranged almost like a camelia's around pronounced golden stamens in a golden, central bowl. It is pretty special. The scent (from heaven?) is a glorious, rich and fruity fragrance that is powerful enough to pervade the garden which happens frequently as this is prolific flowerer between June and late September. Scent from Heaven really does live up to its punning name.

The other vital attribute of Scent from Heaven roses is their enormous capacity to resist fungal diseases so its dark, green glossy leaves remain pretty much unblemished all summer; banish the Roseclear immediately and think of the extra time you will save.

Angels and archangels

There are several lovely shrub roses in shades of peachy orange that could continue the theme into your herbaceous borders, all of which are recent and robust arrivals. The two angels of Cornelia, and Warm Wishes would be marvellous companions to anything Scent from Heaven. Far from being a Jacob's Ladder, Scent from Heaven's proportions identify it as ideal for pergolas, obelisks, pillars and suchlike where you need to train a rose but do not want to have to constantly be cutting it back and where you can benefit from its out of this world scent. However, if you need more of a mountaineer, Schoolgirl is an orange rose that would fit the bill.

Features of Rosa Scent from Heaven

  • Height: up to about 2m
  • Width: up to 1.5 m
  • Colour: peachy orange
  • Shape of flower: loosely double, wavy petals
  • Size of flower: up to 8/9 cm
  • Scent: strong, fruity
  • Flowering: all summer
  • Group: Climbing

Blissful origins

This recent introduction was bred by Chris Warner who is also responsible for Gloriana and Warm Welcome. As well as being Rose of the Year 2017 it also won the fragrance prize at the Paris International Rose Trials.

Planting Instructions

Water well until established. Prune in late winter/early spring and feed twice, first in spring then later in the summer.