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Lincoln Star Clematis (Clematis Lincoln Star) Hero ImgLincoln Star Clematis (Clematis Lincoln Star) Hero Img

'Lincoln Star' Clematis Plants

Clematis 'Lincoln Star'Feefo logo

The details

  • Pale pink flowers with deep pink bar
  • Large, open star petals
  • Mild scented
  • Repeat flowering
  • Grows to 3m x 1m
  • Pruning group 2
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3 Litre
3 +
£ 19.95
£ 18.95

Recommended extras

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About 'Lincoln Star' Clematis:

'Lincoln Star' Clematis is a beautiful variety that produces large vibrant blooms of pale rosy pink with a deep carmine bar. The petals open wide and flat to reveal attractive wine-red anthers.

These lovely clematis give you a repeat flush of flowers, the first in spring through summer and the second in autumn meaning they have a wonderful long season of interest in the garden.

One Clematis is rarely enough, so have a look at our full range of Clematis.

Great for your garden:

'Lincoln Star' is a great choice for growing up frames such as pergolas, trellis or along wires where it can hide unsightly fencing. The colours are best in partial shade meaning that it works really well growing through other plants, particularly roses. It can also look really nice using larger shrubs for support.

If you have a tiny garden then fear not! This Clematis can also perform well in containers, so it can be put to good use on a patio or balcony.

'Lincoln Star' Clematis characteristics.

  • Flower colour: Pale pink, deep pink bar
  • Flower shape: Large, open flat star, overlapping petals
  • Fragrance: Mild
  • Repeating: Yes
  • Approximate flowering season: May - July, September
  • Final height and spread: 3m x 1m
  • Pruning Group 2

Look out for:

As with all Clematis aphids can be problematic. Spray if infestations get really bad.

May have susceptibility to Clematis wilt. Avoid through mulching and good deep root cultivation. Cut out any infected stems and destroy immediately, then thoroughly disinfect your tools.

Slime flux can occasionally be a problem. Damaged stems can be infected by the bacteria causing a foul smelling ooze from the affected area. Cut affected stems back to a healthy shoot, destroy any infected material.


'Lincoln Star' was bred in the 1950's by the plant breeder Walter Pennell of Pennells nurseries. Pennells is one of the oldest garden companies in the world, and was started in 1780 by Richard Pennell. One of the parents is Nelly Moser.

Walter Pennell was a pioneer in the development of garden centres. In the 1960's the idea of raising plants in containers for sale was bought to Europe from the USA, and so Pennells garden centre in Lincoln began raising plants in old crisp tins supplied from the Smiths Crisp Factory next door! Pioneering and resourceful!

Images supplied by Clematis on the Web.

Planting and Care Instructions

How to grow 'Lincoln Star' Clematis:

'Lincoln Star' Clematis can be grown easily following our Clematis planting tips.

  • Likes partial shade in a sheltered spot - flower colour will be more vibrant with some shade.
  • Will grow in any well drained but moist, fertile soil.
  • Requires support through wires, trellis or frame.
  • Good for growing with other climbers such as climbing or rambling roses - particularly effective with pale pink or white blooms.
  • Can be trained over a large shrub - looks great with silver or deep green foliage.
  • Can be encouraged to grow through small to medium ornamental or fruiting trees.