Italian Basil PlantsItalian Basil Plants

Italian Basil Plants

Ocimum basilicum GenoveseFeefo logo

The details

Ocimum basilicum

Pot Grown Herbs
  • Best Basil for Flavour
  • Uses: Italian and Mediterranean dishes
  • Taste: Fantastic intense sweet basil flavour
  • Harvest: May-October
  • Storage: Use fresh, can be frozen or dried
  • Height: 30cm
  • Spacing: 30cm
  • Life: Annual
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Genovese Basil

The sweetest and strongest tasting and scented basil we have will bring Italian flavours to your cucina. Best in a pot or a sheltered, sunny spot and very happy on your kitchen windowsill, this Italian Basil practically assaults the senses, specially selected to excite your tastebuds in a way no pot from a supermarket can. The leaves are soft and juicy and smell as good as they taste. If you want a hardier variety, then take a look at our British Basil, which not quite as flavourful but much happier outside in colder parts of the UK.
Have a look at our extensive range of herbs and vegetables.

All you need to do with Basil is tear the leaves (rather than cutting them with knives or scissors, as you get a much bigger release of essential oils this way) to release the aromatic smell so reminiscent of holidays! Always add at the end of cooking to preserve the flavour, since the oils that give Basil its smell and taste are volatile.

Great In Your Herb Garden...

Pots are probably best for growing Genovese Basil but it will also do well in a sunny, sheltered herb bed. All varieties of Basil like well-drained soil that tends to dryness (so don't plant with your parsley!). Water modestly, and carefully to avoid splashing the leaves, and you should have Basil well into autumn. Potted plants can come inside as summer ends and spend a bit more time on a sunny windowsill.

Pick Basil little and often to encourage new growth. Pinch out flower buds whenever you see them to maintain the flavour of the leaves and lengthen the time you can pick.

This is the basil to make the best pesto and the best tomato salad and the best pizza. 

Basil is also a good companion plant as it protects tomatoes and the like from aphids. An d it supposedly makes tomatoes grown nearby taste better!


  • Uses: Italian and Mediterranean dishes, especially pesto and pizza.
  • Taste: Amazingly intense sweet basil flavour.
  • Harvest: May-October.
  • Storage: Use fresh, can be frozen or dried.
  • Height: 30cm.
  • Spacing: 30cm.
  • Life: Annual.

Did You Know...

Basil oil is still used to treat cuts, wounds and a range of skin infections.