Vulcan WallflowerVulcan Wallflower

Vulcan Wallflower Seedlings

Erysimum cheiri VulcanFeefo logo

The details

Erysimum cheiri

Pot Grown Herbaceous Biennials
  • Dark Crimson
  • Height: 35-45 cms
  • Scent: Excellent
  • Flowering: March - July
  • P9 pots contain approx. 20 seedlings ready to plant out
  • Delivery/Planting: October-November
Choose a plant formWhat to expect
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8 Jumbo Plugs
3 +
£ 9.79
£ 8.99

Recommended extras

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Vulcan Wallflowers

Erysimum cheiri Vulcan (sometimes Cheiranthus Vulcan) is one of those rare plants that, when planted in groups, provide that splash of sheer drama that is so rarely found in gardens. Especially at a time when spring bulbs begin to fade. Carrying a beautiful scent, wallflowers are loved by flower arrangers and pollinating insects alike making them a must for any gardener. If the colour, the deepest, richest, most velvety dark crimson does not fit your garden's colour palette, then have a look at the rest of our range of ready to plant wallflower seedlings.

Please Note: Our P9 (9cm square) pots each contain approximately 20 seedlings. These are ready to be planted out on delivery. When removed from the pot the root ball should be gently teased into between four and eight clumps of not less than two seedlings each which you can then plant directly into a border or outdoor container. Have a look at our video on planting wallflowers.

Wallflowers complement tulips wonderfully well and, joyously, they can be planted at the same time. The deep crimson of Vulcan goes with pretty much any of the later flowering tulips, so why not go wild and pick one from our range to set your garden alight next spring.

Like all varieties of Erysimum cheiri, Vulcan is actually a short-lived perennial. However, we strongly recommend strongly that you grow it as a biennial (planted this year to flower next).

Summary of Vulcan Wallflowers

  • Type: Hardy Biennial
  • Colour: Deep Crimson
  • Scented: Strong
  • Height: 35-45 cms
  • Delivery/Planting: October - November
  • Flowering: March - July
  • Plant Spacing: 30 cms

Wallflower Trivia

Did you know that the "old" name for wallflowers - Chieranthus - is probably derived from the ancient Greek for Hand (chiero) and flower (anthus). Almost certainly because it was frequently carried as a nosegay to counter the unpleasant smells of poor sanitation in days of yore...

Cultivation Instructions

Plant Vulcan Wallflowers in early winter in well-drained soil in full sun. As wallflowers belong to the cabbage (Brassica) family they prefer alkaline soil. So if the planting area is acidic then it is a good idea to add a bit of horticultural lime in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Wallflowers are greedy plants and so will appreciate the addition of well-rotted garden compost before planting. They are extremely hardy and will overwinter happily in their final flowering positions. If you have plug plants, you can also pot them up - we suggest 9cm pots - overwintered outdoors and then planted into containers in early spring. Always water well after planting and do not let them dry out (especially important in containers). If you already have seedlings in 9cm pots they can be potted straight into their planting location.

The main requirements are that your plants have enough light and good drainage - they are called Wallflowers because they grow very happily in walls or in the limey grit at the foot of an old wall where the pointing and mortar have disintegrated.

They grow away fast as the days begin to lengthen in January / February and then will flower continuously from March well into summer provided they are dead-headed. So moisture during dry spells is important as is full sun because they Hate shade. Try to position them where there be direct sun for at least 6 hours a day in summer.

As you are buying seedlings, you can plant your wallflowers into their final flowering positions immediately. Space your plants about 30 cms apart and (in a bed) plant them in drifts. The show is far more impressive when they are massed.

NB - Plant your tulips deep if you are not going to lift them after flowering. We recommend covering them with 10 cms (4") of soil. This has two benefits. First, you can plant wallflowers over the top of them next year without fear of digging them up/damaging them. Second, deep planting helps tulips concentrate on building up their strength for flowering the following season.

Depending on location, soil and variety, wallflowers may need support. We suggest you do this next year as in sheltered spots it should not be necessary at all.

complement A good specimen can produce a couple of dozen flower heads in a season.

To maintain flower quality and size, you can use a high potash and phosphate fertiliser every fortnight throughout summer. Home-made comfrey tea is perfect or one of the specialised tomato fertilisers will also do very well.

Please do not be tempted to keep these wallflowers for an extra year. While it is possible to do so, the older they get, the greater the risk of introducing club-root. They also get leggy and become a bit of an eyesore by their second spring. So dig them up and put them on the compost at the end of July or the beginning of August.